COVID-19 obvestilo

V kolikor ste bili v zadnjih 14 dneh v stiku z osebo, ki ima postavljen sum ali potrjeno okužbo s koronavirusom, ali imate povišano telesno temperaturo (enako ali višjo od 37 stopinj Celzija), ste nahodni, kašljate, imate bolečine v grlu/žrelu, bolečine v mišicah, prebavne težave (bruhanje drisko), ali ste bili v stiku z osebo, ki ima takšne težave, pred vstopom v zdravstveni dom, POKLIČITE SVOJEGA IZBRANEGA ZDRAVNIKA IN POČAKAJTE NADALJNJA NAVODILA ZDRAVSTVENEGA OSEBJA ALI POKLIČETE V COVID AMBULANTO NA 031 393 112.

Prosimo, da brez predhodnega dovoljenja ne vstopate v ustanovo in ostanete doma!
Izogibajte se stiku z ostalimi ljudmi in tako preprečite možnost širjenja okužbe.

V primeru potrebe po nujni medicinski pomoči pokličite na številko 112.

Obveščamo vas, da je vstop v objekte zdravstvenega doma in zdravstvene postaje omejen.
Dovoljen je le NAROČENIM pacientom.

Dežurna služba ZD Slovenj Gradec 02 88 57 990
Dežurna zobna ambulanta ZD SG je dosegljiva na telefonu 02 88 57 980
ambulante in službe

CHC Slovenj Gradec - general information

In case of symptoms suspected of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, cold, sore throat, diarrhoea, vomiting), make an appointment over the phone and do not enter community health centre unannounced.

Please call 112 - Emergency first aid service for adults


+386 2 88 57 949 Emergency fist aid service in HCH.


Self-paid testing on COVID-19

At CHC Slovenj Gradec, we also perform self-paid swabs to confirm infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Pre-ordering is required to take a swab, for the individuals is also required pre-payment.

The price of testing is 91 EUR.


Payment details:

ZD Slovenj Gradec,
Partizanska pot 16,
2380 Slovenj Gradec

Account number:
SI56 0131 2603 0924 196
Bank Name:
Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia
Business Identifier Code (BIC / SWIFT):
SI 00 0472


To take a swab, you have to pre-order on the telephone number +386 31 393 112.


You will take a swab at the entry point of the Community Health Centre Slovenj Gradec, Partizanska pot 16, Slovenj Gradec  (infront of HCH are marks leading you to the  tent for drive in. The drive-in system allows you to take a swab from a car.



When testing, it is obligatory to bring with you a photocopy of the payment receipt, from which the payer's data must be evident, and in the purpose of payment it should be written the name and surname of the tested person, on the basis of which we will subsequently issue an invoice.



The company should send the order form and list of persons in advance to e-mail addresses No prepayment is required. After the testing, we will issue an invoice, which you pay later.

You will receive the test results by phone within 24-48 hours. If the user of the service needs a written medical report, he/she informs the person who communicates the test results.




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